Prof. Dr. Susanne Edinger

I have 30 years of experience in university and adult education: as an university professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture at the SRH Heidelberg I know the challenges students face in their everyday studies. Exam nerves, stress, learning blockages and lack of orientation are common among students – especially among exchange students from foreign countries, who often have to deal with language difficulties, administrative issues and a completely different culture.
At work one may also face situations in which one is tested. These demand a certain confidence and skill to successfully master difficult situations and to achieve the best possible result. I help my clients to perform well in test situations and job interviews.
A high level of trust and discretion are essential for coaching to be successful: I make a thorough assessment of the perspectives of my clients and appreciate their opinions. That I treat my clients’ issues with respect and confidentiality is a matter of course.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Studies and PhD of urbanism at the TU Kaiserslautern
  • 7 years of work experience at an architecture firm
  • 1994-2022, professor for Urban and Project Development at the SRH Heidelberg / School of Engineering and Architecture
  • 20092022, Deputy Head of the SRH Akademie für Hochschullehre. In this capacity: development and implementation of educational training as well as coaching for students.

Training and in-service training in the field of coaching and other areas

  • Systemic Coach (at Kröber Kommunikation, Stuttgart)
  • Train the Trainer (at Martin Haberzettl, Nürnberg)
  • NLP-Practitioner DVNLP (at Haberzettl-Schinwald, Nürnberg)
  • NLP-Master DVNLP (at mind balance, Prof. Dr. Barbara Schott)
  • NLP-Trainer DVNLP (at mind balance, Prof. Dr. Barbara Schott)
  • Social Panorama (with Lucas Derks)
  • wingwave-coaching at the Besser-Siegmund-Institut, Hamburg
  • Hypnosystemic Concepts according to Gunther Schmidt (MEI Heidelberg)
  • Work with the “Inner Team” according to Friedemann Schulz-von-Thun (MEI Heidelberg)
  • Work with the Zurich Resource Model according to Maja Storch (MEI Heidelberg)
  • Coach Young – wingwave Coaching for children at the Besser-Siegmund-Institut, Hamburg

If you have any questions regarding the services of Erfolgreich Bestehen or would like to make an appointment, I will gladly answer your queries. Just give me a phone call, write me an email or fill out the contact form.